May Full Moon
by Liz Migliorelli of Sister Spinster
excerpted is from the Many Moons Workbook: Vol 1 January-June by Modern Women
Many Moons: Vol 2 July-December is available for preorder here
May Full Moon : Embodying Intensity : Herbal Allies for the Scorpio Full Moon Suggested Affirmation: “I trust my body to guide me through Mystery.” Let us ground into the story of this moon-time, breathing into it. Let’s call in the players of this earth-sky story, and everything they have brought to the table at this moment. We call in the notorious full moon in Scorpio, with it’s fierce intuition, it’s deep commitment to being engaged in mystery (spirit, subconscious, dreams), and it’s continuously transformative path. We call in Water, Scorpio’s element, the emotional realm, the possibility to feel all the feelings (even the ones we have dammed back for years and years). We call in the solar month of Taurus as the contrasting ingredient in this full-moon story; shining Sun in Taurus, awakening and encouraging the power of the earth, calling up the flowers, engaging in full sensual experience. We call in Earth, Taurus’ element, the material realm, the realm of true embodiment. What tastes do you crave? What music do you long for? What colors are pleasing to your eye? What does your skin feel like against whatever it is you are sitting on? We call in the senses, the embodied tools of Taurus to help us hold the deep power of what is uncovered and illuminated on this full Scorpio moon. We gather these players and cast them into today’s cauldron, letting them simmer and stew, merging in flavor and quality. When you are ready, dip your cup into the cauldron, and imbibe the medicine of this earth-sky story. How does it taste? Where do you feel it in your body? And so we begin! Spring has fully arrived. There is a building of outward movement, the bird songs are louder and we are spending more time in our gardens, in parks. The quality of the sun itself is stronger. The full Scorpio Moon (May 10th, 12:21 pm) demands that we turn our investigation inward, honor that what is hidden is often the most important and use the bright light of this moon to gaze directly into what is revealed. With Scorpio full moons, noticing is not enough. We are pushed to release, destroy, let something die that is ready to be reborn. The power of this Scorpio moon is amplified by the Taurus sun; we are feeling this deep transformation on a physical, incarnate level. The opposing sun and moon qualities point us to our theme for this particular moment, embodied feeling and asks us: How do we tune in to the wisdom of our bodies? How can we honor our deepest emotions when there are so many messages coming in from sources outside of ourselves? How can we ease our physical tension around true embodiment of our full range of emotion? |
Liz Migliorelli of Sister Spinster is a western herbalist and magic maker who believes in affordable, accessible, community-based health care and the healing power of plants. She is devoted to encouraging others to find empowerment through self-care and harm reduction, to find healing in a cup of fir tip and strawberry leaf tea, and to find magic in the simple practices that connect us to the Earth. She has studied political economy, medicinal plants, folklore and decolonization movements at The Evergreen State College, Northwest plants with Corinne Boyer , clinical herbalism at the Ohlone Herbal Center in Berkeley, pulse diagnosis with Dr. William Morris (who carries the Ding family lineage of Traditional Chinese Medicine), and with Atava Garcia-Swiecicki of Ancestral Apothecary. Currently Liz is in a year long stone medicine apprenticeship with Cybele in Petaluma, CA. Sister Spinster is proud to support the work of Herbalists Without Borders If you'd like to get in touch, please email: |
Sarah Faith lives and works in Los Angeles. Sarah is a designer, artist, and tarot reader living in Los Angeles, CA. She gives workshops on various modes of the occult and gives guided meditations. Her work explores intersectional feminist proganda, channels of distribution, and the spiritual. Sarah's work as Modern Women is available in The Radder here. Check out more from Sarah here
Book a Tarot reading with Sarah here
Sarah's IG: @gottesss
photo of Sarah by Nancy Neil |