by Ashley Abbott
As the New Moon in Libra approaches this evening, we will start to feel the call of beauty and balance. We no longer need to be trapped in a state of "doing." Instead, we can dance elegantly towards grace. This energy of allowing is potent and powerful, and something we should truly lean in to.
Kunzite can assist us with dissolving the illusion of separateness, allowing us to step into the beauty and grace we all have the power to create. Kunzite is the stone of Divine Love, reminding us of our connection to our higher selves, our souls, and source. She invites us to remember the love and trust the journey. |
Ashley Abbott lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. She is a crystal shepherdess, writer, healer, and mother. Ashley provides intuitive crystal consults for the individual and is committed to serving her community by sharing her appreciation of the mineral kingdom. Her work explores the meaning of self responsibility in a gentle and compassionate space. |