by Ashley Abbott
Compassion // Emerald
Feelings. Every single one. Theirs, yours, it doesn't matter. You will probably be feeling all of it. From the loudest, most frightening scream to the faintest, most nuanced whisper. Feel it all.
This Full Moon in Cancer is inviting us to feel, to be alive, and to truly live and experience our human-ness. She is inviting us to sit in our emotions, to take our time there, to explore and discover. We may be continually triggered around this Full Moon. And while it may be very uncomfortable, it is a chance to heal and acknowledge some of the shadows hiding just beneath our surface.
It is important to lean into the energy of compassion during this time and to stay focused on the path of the heart. All these triggers will entice us towards the seductive nature of self-sabotage and the resistance of self-responsibility. Do your best to be aware of these
desires to "act out" when they come up, as they will come up. And when they do, give yourself as many moments as you need before you react.
Emerald, the stone of compassion, can be an incredible crystal ally during the Cancer Full Moon. Emerald guides us towards a truly compassionate heart, a heart lifted even under the heaviest of circumstances. She encourages us to show other's compassion during their times of shadow while still remaining clear with our boundaries.
Most importantly, she encourages us to show ourselves the utmost compassion, creating space for us to hold ourselves in complete forgiveness. This stone also provides deep clarity by allowing us to tune into our heart wisdom and connect with what is specifically right for us. Emerald will align us with our heart's deepest truth and provide us with feelings of courage when diving into unexplored emotional territory. Heal any ties with feelings of unworthiness using Emerald, and start to see doors magically appear and open to you.
Ashley Abbott lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. She is a crystal shepherdess, writer, healer, and mother. Ashley provides intuitive crystal consults for the individual and is committed to serving her community by sharing her appreciation of the mineral kingdom. Her work explores the meaning of self responsibility in a gentle and compassionate space. |